the motto


This is a space where intelligent women can enjoy elevated coaching conversations about style, commanding more in their lives, and creating wealth. Let’s start with developing your personal style and use those skills to help you embody the mission: confident women change the world & leave legacies.

Here is to all of the women who have come before and to those to come.

the process



1st we remove anything from your life that isn’t aligned with your bigger picture goals. The edit starts with your closet, and can extend to relationships, bank account, or makeup drawer.


2nd Once we’ve made space through the Edit, we intentionally decide what to allow back in. We define your personal style, and extend this intentional process to other areas of your life.


3rd What’s left after the Edit and Design phases is a system that allows you to structure your closet, life, and wealth building so that any changes made in steps one and two lasts for generations to come.

Let’s begin with your closet. That is exactly where I started.

hi i'm judith gaton

about me

I sat on the edge of my bed belly-out…

That’s where I was right before an important meeting. My “good pants” no longer fit and I had a closet full of clothes that just weren’t good enough. I had a big bold beautiful brain. I had reached this amazing place of success and couldn’t find a pair of friggin’ pants.

Sound Familiar?

You’ve got your career sorted, but your closet is a hot mess. You are a boss in the boardroom, but you are being foiled by an ill-fitting bra. You are fierce and confident when it comes to WHAT you do, but not in HOW you show up to do it. You don’t look the part. You don’t feel the part. Impostor syndrome is one thing, but then your pants not fitting seals the self doubt.

The process of up-leveling and becoming a woman who is confident and ultimately leaves a legacy of confidence begins with your style. Your style is the outward reflection of how you think and feel about yourself. It is time we get your outsides matching your insides.


Personal Style Service

Virtual Styling for Busy Women Leaders - Professionals, Executives, and Entrepreneurs

6 Months 1:1
Private Coaching

Get on the waitlist for when an opening becomes available. I will send you periodic emails with relevant information, podcast guides, and other free resources while you wait.

Maison Gaton

An online women's social club dedicated to women legacy builders who are ready to have up-leveled conversations around style, commanding more, and creating wealth. The community will host classes and retreats exclusive to members.