Style Your Way to Confidence Replay
Learn to Love & Dress
The Body You Are In
Can I get an AMEN if...
- Your clothes don’t fit, but you have so much stuff in your closet.
- You’ve tried dieting and extra spanx to feel stylish & confident, but no amount of shoving protein down your throat made you feel better about yourself. Life without pizza is just sad.
- You’re tired of comparing your body to fruit or elementary school shapes & being given a list of what you “cannot wear.” YOU ARE NOT A BANANA! What does that even mean?
- You Hate Shopping, and just snatch up whatever is in your size to get out of the store.
- You feel so incredibly frumpy and frustrated with yourself and the whole style thing.
- You want a guide specifically tailored to high-achieving women to tell you EXACTLY WHAT TO DO, WHERE TO SHOP, & HOW TO SHOW UP without running around in the suits for “professional women” lookin’ like Margaret Thatcher.
If this sounds familiar and you're shouting "preach," then you're in the right place. I've got you boo.
I know I know...You've
Tried Spanx, Diets, and Subscription boxes...
You’re ready to ditch frumpy and look stylish, but you’ve got a lot of questions!
“Should I lose all of my weight first?”
“If I buy clothes at this size, am I giving up?”
“Am I wasting money to style myself at a size I don’t want to be?’
I get these questions all of the time. Lemme ask you this… Do the women you admire or follow in your fab Pinterest life actually look like you? I know you may think following Blake Lively or another stylish guru is the key. You look at the skinny broads and conclude the size, weight, and shape of your body are the problems to be solved.
Your body is not a problem to be solved. An 80s/90s movie makeover montage is not how real makeovers go down. You are not an ugly duckling who emerges from the dustbin after she’s lost some weight.
You can become the woman who walks into the room and everyone thinks “How does she do it?” No fairy godmother’s required.
I’m not your fairy godmother, but oooo girl… Miss J is your professor of glam & elegance. I have the unleashing process to help you dress and love the body you are in right now.
You have the right to feel good in the body you have right now. There is 100% a better way & not a damn thing has to change about the size, shape, or weight of your body.
It's about damn time...
It’s time that your outsides match your insides. You feel like a boss when it comes to the work you do. It is time for the way you feel on the inside to be reflected on the outside. You can be Daphne and Thelma. You can be beauty & brains. Imagine what it will feel like when you’re feeling oh, so stylish owning the conference room, Zoom room, or any room chin up, head high, tits up, ready to conquer & slay!
You are invited to join us inside of Style Masterclass, an eight week style & coaching program. Where we create makeovers that last a lifetime.
Hi, I'm Miss J!
I help high-achieving women love & dress the body they are in.
I’m obsessed with helping women look stylish and feel confident!
I used to be on the getting ready struggle bus every morning. I went through law school, passed the bar exam, and did everything I was supposed to do. One day, I was getting ready for an important job interview only to realize none of my clothes fit. “My good black pants” were way too fucking tight. I had to make a quick Target run, followed by a trip to Lane Bryant, only to worry that I wouldn’t have enough money to buy some “good pants.”
I took a good look at my body and my clothes and thought WTF? Seriously, WTF? I had worked so hard and spent so much money on my brain, but was running around looking a hot mess. I knew some shit had to change and FAST. I tried diets and spanx. I told myself I could buy new clothes once I lost the weight. Welp, that shit didn’t work. I gained more weight and felt worse.
I decided something had to change, but it didn’t have to be my body. I could dress and love the body I had now.
I didn’t start with a whole new wardrobe. (Remember law school?) I was broke as a joke. But I did start with a bra, then some undies, and built a wardrobe one item a time. Now I have a streamlined process that helps me get ready everyday with ease.
I created this program because too many badass women experience the same damn thing. It’s time to start a revolution and unleash from the giant drapey clothes. A world where women are free to dress the body they have now. No more holding your future hostage to changing your body in order to feel stylish. You are now free to move on with the important work you were put on this earth to do.
Miss J is your teacher & class is in session.
Inside the 8 Week Style & Coaching Program You’ll have access to:
- The Style Masterclass Program: All the pro-level training you will need to dress and love the body you are in right now. You’ll learn how to dress your body, where to shop, what to buy, and how to put outfits together.
- Style Resources so you can customize the program to your unique body, lifestyle, and style needs.
- Weekly Live STYLE CLASSES. Hop on the live calls and get your style questions answered, outfit tips, makeup advice, and life coaching.
- Community Support. A safe place for you to mingle, share pictures, and get some encouragement.
- Dedicated Support. You have access to me M-F for any style emergency or confidence conundrum
The Style & Coaching Program is completely online. Virtual styling & coaching for high-achieving women.
The program is available wherever you are in the world.
where we create makeovers that last a lifetime.
The exclusive eight week total makeover program. I teach them to show up with confidence so they can truly own the day and do their work in the world. Why? Because confident women change the world.
First we have to know what you don’t want in order to make space for what you do.
- Closet Cleanout: You will edit out your undies drawer and closet. You will learn the fundamentals and the foundation for style. Imagine Marie Kondo if she was chubby and Puerto Rican.
- Mindset Cleanout: You will learn to edit out any janky thoughts that are keeping you feeling frumpy.
- Learn what really has been holding you back from showing up stylish, confident. We don’t just slap cute outfits on you without first cleaning up your thoughts and closet.
Second, we have to know what you DO want, how you want to dress, and how you want to feel for the transformation to really take hold. Anyone can help you clean out your closet. We take it to the next level. We design a Style and Live you love.
Style is so much more than the clothes you wear.
- We will define your unique personal style and create a personal style statement
- You will get a personal style guide tailored to you after our time together. So you have continued guidance after the 8 weeks.
- You will know what your personal style is, where and how to shop, and how to solve basic fitting issues. Style can become effortless and easy.
Each module builds upon the other. Once you know your personal style and what you DO want, then we talk about how to create a life and style you love.
- How to create an intelligent shopping plan so you are never without guidance.
- Learn how to go shopping without wanting to stab yourself in the eye.
- Get tools on how to create endless outfits, think like a stylist, and never get bored with your closet again.
A private place to share photos, struggles, and all of your new outfits. Chances are if you struggle with something you will find a kindred spirit in our private community. The private slack community is where so much of the magic happens. It is where we chit, chat, encourage, support, and gather in between our weekly calls. It is also where you can ask Miss J anything. You do not have to go it alone or wonder if you are the only one who struggles with something.
The Before and After...
The only before and after you need to worry about is how you'll feel. No weight loss is required for a true before and after.
Before Your Makeover
- You look in the mirror around 3pm and think WTF? Frumpy doesn’t even begin to cover how you feel.
- You try on everything in your closet, even the items on the floor, but nothing fits.
- You get physically hot & frustrated trying on clothes that are too tight. (Ever need to sit in front of a fan while you wiggle that ass into spanx?)
- You have a closet full of clothes that don’t fit and you secretly hate.
After Your Makeover
- You look in the mirror, recognize and love the woman staring back at you.
- You have full permission to love your body, age, weight, and size.
- You spend less on clothes because you know what you love and where to find it. Style becomes second nature.
- You are able to get dressed in less time with no drama.
- You are able to set it and forget it. Get dressed and get to work on the important shit you have to do.
Getting Ready Like a Boss Course
This class helps you up-level your beauty and getting ready routines. No need to overhaul your entire life. This bonus includes an audio course, workbook, and podcast episodes to keep you encouraged day and night. This could be an entire course all on its own. The bonus is available to program students only.
Write Your Own Shero Story
This workbook helps you rewrite your story and casts you in the role as Shero. It will teach you to name and develop your own alter ego, and put your super powers to use when you need them most. No more letting the Inner Mean Girl run the show. The bonus is available to Style Program and Modern Charm School students only.
3 Mini Bonus Classes
These three Style classes are some sweet ass icing to an already incredible cake. They are quick and full of amazing tips & tricks.
1. Frumpy to Fabulous
2. How to find Your Personal Style
3. Bye Bye Raggedy Undies
These bonuses are only available to Style students.
Bra Bra Oh Lala Workshop
This comprehensive bra course takes you through the history of bras, your personal bra history, bra fitting 101, how to fit em' and how to create your own bra wardrobe. It is also packed full of goodies like a workbook and detailed Resource Guide so you know exactly what brand matches what you need. Walk away armed with a shit ton knowledge so you never have to suffer through an afternoon tugging, adjusting, and rearranging a bad bra.
Real Women. Real Results.
When I took care of myself, my business skyrocketed.
“I was always putting off going to my closet and putting off the big style makeover until I hit the…next goal. You can get there faster when you take care of yourself first…You are worth feeling so comfortable in your body that you can then exponentially grow who you are and going after those goals. We do the makeover before you hit the goal because you show up so much better for yourself and for your life when you love who you are. Don’t wait for the right size, right thing, the right place, invest in yourself and know it is going to be absolutely worth the investment.”
Carrie Marshall
Coach & Entrepreneur
Becoming More of Yourself
It is more than just clothes and accessories. It is about being 100% you in every aspect of your life.
Jill Wright
Coach & Entrepreneur
You don't have to do it a certain way.
From yoga pants to a fabulous lounge wardrobe
“It was the little things that I didn’t even realize we were going to do that had such a huge impact.”
Jill Angie
Coach & Entrepreneur
A soul changing experience. I ended up feeling even more like myself, and in the best possible way.
Kristen D
Questions Future Stylish Women Ask:
Most frequent questions and answers
Yes, I have helped my clients all around the world find clothes outside of the US. We either find clothes from brands within your home country or we ensure that the brands we are shopping ship to you.
Getting stylish and confident is not dependent upon your body size. You can look stylish and feel confident at the size and weight you are right now. Don’t delay feeling fabulous. Don’t hold your body hostage. Get started today.
The Style Program will help you save money on your wardrobe. Think of all the unworn items in your closet. You will no longer be buying items you hate simply because they are on sale. I will teach you to shop intelligently and on budget.
There is no better time to get started than now.
Life is not waiting. Things are not slowing down. There will always be work events and vacations you are taking. You deserve to show up as your best self for any place you go.
Starting now will allow you to:
- Stop holding your body hostage to some “ideal body” size or weight
- Love and dress the body you have right now
- Spend less money on clothes by creating a small but mighty wardrobe you actually love and will wear
- Look Stylish and put together so you can attract clients and business
- Feel Confident so you can conquer and slay at whatever work you have to do in the world
Eight weeks from now, you’ll wish you had started today!
How do I know if I am ready to take this program?
You are ready for the Style & Coaching Program if:
- You are willing to do the daily/weekly mindset and closet cleanout work.
- You want to learn your personal style and uplevel your wardrobe.
- You enjoy being coached and investing in yourself.
- You keep telling yourself you can buy clothes when you’ve lost the weight.
- You are ready to be COMFORTABLE & CONFIDENT in your clothes. (Yes, you can have both!)
Your size, body, and shape are perfect just as they are right now.
You've got two choices...
You can keep trying diets, extra spanx, and try to figure this all out on your own.
You could learn my three step process for a complete makeover, build a wardrobe you love, look stylish, feel confident, and show up ready to conquer.
Olivia Pope never turned up to work frumpy.
Beyonce doesn’t take the stage in clothes that don’t fit.
So why would you?