I am so guilty of keeping janky t-shirts too. I used to have drawers full of them, especially the free schwag tees that I convinced myself were full of memories. Sound familiar?
I used to keep all of the t-shirts stored all over the house too. My drawers were full, stacked on top of my closet, housed in a plastic container under the bed. But it would be such a bummer to pick out clothes in the morning and find out that I wouldn’t wear 3/4 of the items in my drawers. I would tell myself I had nothing to wear because I wouldn’t want to wear anything I owned. See the difference.
This week’s podcast episode is all about cleaning out your t-shirt drawer. Let’s get ready for Back to School in September and the opening of Style School. Let’s get your clothes all prepped. We are starting with all of your t-shirts.
On this week’s episode I walk you through the process of:
1. Gathering all the tees together
2. Getting rid of the holey.
3. Treating pit stains and collar rings.
4. How to prevent stains in the future.
No more keeping tees all over the house and filling your drawers with free schwag tees that don’t serve your style goals. Let’s get those tees on point. Check out this week’s podcast episode.
Check out this week’s episode at New Glam Gal on iTunes
If you want some free coaching and help cleaning out your t-shirt drawer. Sign up for a free consult.
Check out my free style course here.
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