EP. 99 – How to Create a Go-to Outfit in 3 Easy Steps

How to Create a Go-To Outfit in 3 Easy Steps

What is a Go-To Outfit?

A go to outfit is an outfit that you can rely on in a pinch. It is the outfit you can throw on before you head out the door and know you’re going to look stylish and feel confident when wearing it. A go-to outfit is different than the regular schleppy clothes you have draped across a chair. A go to outfit must leave you looking stylish and feeling confident. Those are the two first criteria of a go to outfit. The other criteria is that it must be something comfortable. It must be something you actually want to wear. Here’s how you create a go to outfit in three easy steps. 

1. Look At Your Most Worn Items for Clues

You don’t have to go on Pinterest or Instagram to get inspiration for your go-to outfit. In fact, I recommend you go to the pile of clothing you wear the most often. You can find this pile of clothing on that chair you have in your bedroom. This pile of clothing may be in the laundry basket of unfolded clothes. You can also take a look at your next batch of laundry. What items are in there? What are you relieved is getting washed so you can wear it again? These are all clues about what goes into your unique go to outfit. We want to look at what you wear most often to find clues about what you are most likely to wear again in the future. Your most worn items make up about 20% of your actual closet. This is nothing to be ashamed of. I’m not going to force you to try and wear the other 80%. What I want you to do is look at what you wear most often so that it can inform what you want to wear most often going forward.

2. Create a Base Item Formula

Once we look at your most worn outfit and we mine it for clues, we look at the individual items. For a lot of my ladies right now their go to outfit includes a top, a bottom, a hoodie or cardigan, and slip on shoes. I know you want to feel more stylish and confident right now. Stylish doesn’t mean we have to give up comfort. When we look at these base items a top, a bottom, and outer piece, we can recreate that same outfit with items we already have on hand. If you don’t like what you have you on, you can invest in one stylish piece that you can mix and match with items we already have on hand. We don’t have to go out and buy three outfits that fit each of these criteria. A lot of people are on a budget these days so I recommend you invest in one quality stylish piece that fits in with this pre-existing formula. Which brings me to step three.

3. Change One Clothing Item

Now that we have an idea of what your most worn item is. We have taken that down to its base layers. We know that we can use that base layer formula to replicate the results. Now your mission is to change one item. Choose one item you would up level. The up level can be the quality, the colors, fit, or any combination of all of these. If you have enough money on hand to buy a whole new outfit go for it. But if you only have enough to invest in one item, then I recommend you change one item in an up-leveled way. Again, the goal is to continue the go to outfit formula with up-leveled pieces.

Rinse and Repeat Your Go-To Outfit

Last, once you have your go-to outfit down you can rinse and repeat. I recommend you go through this exercise anytime you have a transition in your role at work, your roles at home, and or whether or not you’re working from home or going back to the office. You can also do this seasonally just for a refresh. Your go-to outfit really is your most worn outfit up leveled. Sometimes this can be a little more art than science so give yourself some grace as you try things on in different combinations. Once you have the go to outfit down, rinse and repeat.

Style & Confidence Retreat. Come Hang with Me for a Day.

If you are in the online work space and are going to be spending a lot more time at home, I would like to invite you to my virtual retreat. It is an exclusive group setting. I’m limiting the number of seats that you get some one-on-one attention. Let’s eliminate clothing distractions so you can show up like a boss. Whether you are showing up to the zoom meeting, an Instagram live, or live conference calls online. A little style confidence goes a long way. To learn more click here.



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