EP 46 – Invisibility Cloaks

Hey Glam Gal,

When I was in law school, I gained a significant amount of weight. I started wearing a very unflattering daily uniform. My go to cardigan became my poor attempt as an invisibility cloak. I would wear ill fitting and large sized cardigans to hide my body, especially my large chest.

Here is the funny thing about clothing. We would never wear size 12 shoes to hide our “large” size 10 feet. That would be absurd. It would only make your feet look larger. If you were embarrassed of your feet, you wouldn’t wish to draw attention to them by wearing too large a pair of shoes.

That may sound absurd, but we attempt to create an invisibility cloak and hide our bodies behind larger than our size clothing. However, this has the unintended consequence of drawing attention to the body part we are trying to hide. We also try to hide our bodies by slouching and crouching and not owning our full height or our chest size. If we slouch just enough, we can hide, right? Wrong! It just draws more attention to you.

Your Mission This Week Glam Gal:
1. Style Work: Look for pictures of yourself. Stop and look in the mirror. Pause next time you reach for a baggy item that doesn’t fit you. Ask yourself “Am I trying to hide a certain part of my body?” My chest, my stomach, my height? Where and when are you attempting to build an invisibility cloak with your clothing? 
2. Mindset Work: Why are you reaching for that particular clothing item? Why are you trying to hide your body? Is this simply a style choice?

What if you didn’t have to hide? What if you could just learn to love and own your body as it is and dress it beautifully? You can. I can help. It is 100% possible. NO baggy ill fitting clothing needed. No diets needed. 

This week’s episode is about:
1. Invisibility Cloaks
2. How to recognize when you are trying to create an invisibility cloak with your clothing
3. Are you wearing clothes that are too big to hide your body?
4. Are you slouching to hide your body?
5. The style and mindset work to stop putting on the invisibility cloak uniform and love your body as it is.
6. The Dressing Room Rule of Three

If you need some help learning to love and dress your body, click here for a free one on one consult.



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Want to chat? Schedule a free style consult with me here.


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