This week’s episode of the New Glam Gal podcast is all about being Judgey Wudgey, aka judgemental.
The truly self confident don’t compare themselves. There is no net positive effect to comparison and judgment. While humans are prone to categorizing and comparison, that safety mechanism is less and less useful in modern society. Instead our comparison and judgments are used to give us momentary reprieve from our own insecurity. But that momentary reprieve never lasts. Instead we are left with the dissatisfaction of not only judging others, but having that judgement ultimately reflected back at us.
On this week’s episode we talk about:
- How to stop Judgey Wudgey in her tracks.
- How to stop scanning the room for the “fattest” or “ugliest” gal in order to determine whether you are allowed to take up space.
- Questions to ask yourself to move out of judgment and reframe.
Imagine with me for a moment the most charismatic and charming person you know. What if you were that charismatic and charming person? Imagine further if you took all of the focus off of yourself because you already knew you were fabulous. Now, what if you showed up to every social interaction believing that we are all beautiful and allowed to take up space. IMAGINE that boo! How would you show up? How would you interact with the other gals? What if you just started from that basic premise and showed up accordingly? . You can choose to borrow, adopt, and make it your own anytime. Repeat after me. We are all beautiful and allowed to take up space. . Now go forth and slay from that empowered place.
If you struggle with self judgment and judging others, you are not alone. Get some help. Sign up for a free consultation.
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